I recently found myself being tagged. I was really perplexed as to the point. Is this the blog version of those annoying email chain letter things? You know the lists of seemingly unrelated things that are supposed to reveal something new about you. So, not to be a total spoil sport about it, I am acknowledging being tagged by an artist friend Cynjon Noah http://www.cynjonnoah.blogspot.com/ The tag suggests that we list six Quirks about ourselves. Quirks? I think all my odd bits of behavior is absolutely normal, not! So, here goes: 1. I have to sleep with all the lights out and a fan going. 3. I can only drink milk if it ice cold. Otherwise what's the point. 3. I will stop reading a book after just one page if I know I will hate it. 4. When I work a 9-5 shift at work I must eat my lunch at twelve noon. 5. Love the smell of citrus fruit. 6. Hate having dirty hands. Now for the spoiled sport of me, I am not passing this along as my friends whose blogs I know would hate me for