
Showing posts with the label bunny Buddha fantasy goblins art sculpture polymer clay

Sprucing up some old doll photos.

So, I have been going through some of my old pictures of my grand ladies and decided to resurrect them and give them new life.  I am able to do this thanks to some new software I have  been using recently.  I am loving the life this process gives my old girls.  I am also, really looking forward to bringing a new series of these ladies to life soon. Hopefully, you don't mind revisiting my past creative efforts with me.  My new ladies will all have legs and a little more detailed in the costume department too if I can manage it.  I have eight figures started with a completion date in early December for our next Essex Studios art walk.   In addition to these I have several other projects I hope to debut during that show.  So, I am going to be a busy little bee for the next six weeks. Thanks again as always for taking the time to stop by and say hi and see what I am up too.  I do love your comments so don't be shy.  I am planning a giveaway soon so stay tuned.

The Chorus

It's been a bit since I have posted a completed art piece.  I have been working behind the scenes on a number of things.  My mythic journey is coming along.  Here is a glimpse of the first completed character, one of the chorus figures.  He is the prototype for the rest of the characters' costumes and hair treatments. This is the full view from the front of the character.  His costume is made of handmade papers.  The hair is from a sheep pelt of a New Zealand sheep. Here is a closer view of his head.  Each of these characters seven in all are different sizes and are in different poses. This is a side view of the character.  I have enjoyed using the paper for constructing the costumes so far.  Ask me when I reach the seventh character.  The paper is a bit easier to manipulate.  There is virtually no sewing required. Now I just have to finish the six remaining and move on to the other characters for the first scene.  It's just plain busy this time of year.

Bunny Buddha Revealed

So, I am not waiting to take the best pictures.  But, I wanted to share Bunny Buddha with you all.  I just finished him today.  Originally I was going to make some fun little bits to go with him.  But, he said he didn't need them.  You know rabbits make great Buddhists as they are naturally vegan.  He sits upon his sacred lettuce leaves in the lettuce position sharing his wisdom with the world. It will be a bit before I get him and some of the other pieces up on my long neglected Etsy shop.  If you are interested in adopting this passionate peace bringer let me know. Oh, and the big store move is finally over.  We now have a long couple of weeks getting the store to a point where we can live with it.  It is organized just needs the fine tuning.  Have a beautiful week everyone.

Bunny Buddha WIP

Well, I am still working on this piece I started over a week ago.  Time flies when you are working a full time job, visiting relatives in the hospital and trying to make art. So, here is the next phase I have photographed.  The Bunny Buddha after his body sculpt a baking and then a two coat paint job.  He still will be getting another coat of paint in a transparent gold glaze and then my signature antiquing glaze.   Here is another view of him.  I have been enjoying this piece even though he didn't start out the way I had expected.  But, when you put your soul into something, it sometimes has a different idea of how it wants to be.  I will keep his base I am working on a surprise for when I show the finished piece.  I hope you all have a great week ahead.  I am going to be helping my store move to it's new location.  Hard work and thank goodness we will be closed a few days to make the transition easier.  My love to you all out there.