
Today I found an unexpected gift. My sister posted a picture of my parents. It was taken at one of his brothers farm. What is the big deal you may wonder? Well, I have only one picture and that is of my father when he was in the air force. This was such a beautiful surprise. I don't even think my sister really understands how happy I am to see this. I lost my parents before I turned nine years old. I never had a chance to grow up with them, laugh with them or see them mature and become wise. Instead, I have only this fleeting memory of what they looked like in the prime of their lives. This past nine months has been a powerful journey of healing and now I feel I have come full circle and am now ready to begin my next adventure. I see symbols and signs everywhere from the Universe that tell me, we move forward, our hearts never forget. Our energy and that of those we have loved and lost can never be destroyed. That i...