A long Break from Posting

Hello out there in cyberland. It has been well over two months since I have posted anything on my old blog. I am currently gearing up to launch my photography career in a big way and have been busy taking classes, printing images and clearing out the old art to make way for my new venture. I am so excited about this new direction in my artistic life. Redsicovering photography after a several decades break is quite refreshing. I have always loved the idea and potential of photography as an artistic medium. But, due to my vision limitations never really thought about pursuing it as a fulltime art. Well, as I began to delve deeper into the medium, I realized that I have never let my vision limitations stop me before. So, why would I think this was any different. I am finding a lot of encouragement, support and good advice along the way. So, I would like to share a few images with you. Recently I have been exploring mobile photography using the Iphone 6s and have taken a course to...