September the month of Nines
It is September 1st and I felt compelled to post on my often ignored blog. Life seems to be running by faster and faster as the days pass. So much going on, work, art making, socializing, taking classes and so on. But, I have been finding myself taking more time out for spiritual reflection and renewal these days. It seems in some cases the world is going mad. But, is that a reflection of the crazy monkey mind I have these days? Perhaps so, as science is beginning to prove that we do indeed create our own reality. The above image was created as a reaction to that important observation and the articles I have been reading about quantum physics and the nature of our universe and reality. This fascinates me greatly as it supports my spiritual views of existence. Another favorite topic is spiritual energies, numerology and astrology which makes my non believing friends think I have lost it all. But, I find these topics help me understand my place in the universe and that is just fi...