A very long abscence

It seems like forever since I posted here. I almost forgot about this and didn't renew my domain name. I have been really pulling back in the last few years and especially in the last six months from blogging. I have been busy with book making, work at the art store and of course my photography. Trying to find my voice and really thinking about how I want to live in the art world. There are so many artists trying to stake a claim in the big art world. I have struggled with the idea of what this means to me. Yes, I do have the big dream as do many other artists to be working at my art full time. But, as I get older and less able to physically do many of the things I once did, I begin to question the whole art world thing and if it really is that important to seek fame and recognition. I think being validated by ones peers is something aspiring professional artists desire. Yes, I too like validation that what I do matters or can communicate what exists in my universe to those outside of it.

It seems that I go through this philosophical struggle whenever I totally reinvent who I am as an artist. The never ending spiral of self discovery is what moves me forward in life. I love learning, relish my solitude, seek not to be like others, find the spiritual in everyday things, that's how I roll.

So I would like to share a few images that I have taken in the last few months. It is a random assortment of images that reflect a variety of subjects that interest me.

This first two images were experiments inspired by the work of my friend David Walker. He used mirror images to create beautiful images of trees. I wanted to see what I could do with this technique. I used images of flowers for mine.

I also added some ethereal elements to my images to give it more of a spiritual meaning to me. As with most of what I do, I make the images for myself and then I share what I discover. But, they are for me initially.

I love taking photographs of flowers growing in the garden Or in the case of this particular flower in the neighborhood. They make me smile and cheer me up.

This is a very recent image of a room that I found while walking home and took a short cut through an alley that passes by a local high school. It seems there is a part of the building which hasn't been used in years. Kind of creepy but, cool too.

Another coneflower this time a close up.

Even more coneflower love, caught in the early morning sun just a few weeks ago.

This is the second of the two abandoned rooms that I was able to capture on my walk home.

Finally, an image of the evening sun as it shines on a local campus lawn. I love how the trees have created so many intersecting shadows. I did do a little bit of saturation enhancement to warm up the shot. I love how mysterious and warm it feels at the same time.

Well, there you have it. Another long overdue update. I will make no promises of how frequent I am posting. But, at least I still can share when the urge arises. Have a great time, enjoy each day. Mine always brings me some surprises. Try and be kind to one another. The world is full of unkindness, I choose to not be like all the others.


Karen Mallory said…
I love all your art Cody. I think you are like me. Art isn't what I do, it is who I am. I really don't care if I make money at it or not. I do prefer to give it away. All I know is I go crazy if I can't create art!!!
Love ya!
hugs Karen

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