Projects a plenty

Hello out there on this rather balmy Sunday afternoon. I hope you all are having a nice weekend. I thought I'd post the three projects I have been working on for the past three months. I have been making some books for an upcoming show at Kennedy Heights Art Center here in Cincinnati. The show is called "Contents Unknown" and the premise is books in containers. Now the idea was to conceal a book in a container. But, many of us in the show have taken liberties on this. Some of mine aren't obvious when you look at the box. But, since we have to display the contents as well it will be obvious what the box held. This first set of images is for a book called "Memories in Blue". This book is a sort of picture/diary of the pivotal moments in my life that made me who I am. Some good and some not so good. I wanted to give an honest yet abbreviated snapshot of my life and those moments that shaped me. I created the images as cyanotypes on cotton fabric. S...