It's been a long long time

Hello my friends out there in cyberland. Yes, I am back to post finally. It's been such a long long time. I will only say that I needed to step back and really focus on life and what that means to me. My spiritual practice is so deeply connected to my creative process and art that I needed some time and space to figure a few things out. One of these things was what did I want this blog to be about. Obviously it will chronicle my art making journey. But, I want to offer more to you out there a glimpse into my deeper side. So, I have decided to share with and through my art my philosophical and spiritual discoveries. First let me state quite plainly here. These are my truths, not yours. You are certainly welcome to take what resonates with you and apply it in your own daily life. But, I am not trying to preach or push any particular belief system. This journey is mine and I am just wanting to share my observations and discoveries as I journey home. Some of my discoveries may be controversial to a few of you. But, sometimes it's good to get a taste of another viewpoint. So, with that being said, please observe kindness and consideration. We all need that these days.

I have been creating lots of digital image collage/paintings in the last few years. I use these as vehicles to express how I am feeling about life and my personal spiritual journey at any given moment. There are so many energies swirling around the planet and we humans right now. Most are not aware of the spiritual revolution that is taking place on this planet. Humanity is beginning to wake up to see how much we have been lied to and manipulated to believe. But, that is a discussion for another post.

The above image symbolizes my life in a very simple way. I am on a long journey back to my heart and soul. Roads and paths have always fascinated me. I love walking in the woods over a foot path or going down a dirt covered country road. Very representative of my life's travels.

This next image illustrates that sometimes we are faced with the obvious fact that there is no reality or we can't continue unless we see beyond the veil. These images are going to be a part of a book project reflecting on my spiritual journey back to my heart and soul. It is this place within us that is ultimately our true home. When we know who we are in all of our totality we are then complete. This allows us to be truly happy and free. A concept taught by many ancient mystic ideologies. I can say that I am very close to this, almost home. Again, I hope to expound on this further in another post. Before I close this post, I wanted to give you a teaser of a pet project I am planning. It involves random acts of art kindness. Not a new idea, but, I wanted a way to give back to the world at large. Let random people find some little package of light and love filled art to brighten their day or bring a bit of light into a dark corner of their life. It involves bookmaking and found treasures with a bit of spiritual magic thrown in. So, stay tuned for the announcement. Have a beautiful light and love filled day. Peace.


Karen Mallory said…
So happy to see you posting! I am always on a spiritual journey and have been since being a small child. I love your insights and can't wait to read about them. Maybe it will help me on my journey too. Hugs
Rose Prescott said…
So good to see you back here. Hope life keeps treating you kindly.

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