New Directions

Happiest of Halloween to you all out there in cyberspace. I hope your week will be off to a spook-tac-u-lar start. As you may have noticed, I have started to try a few things in the studio. This process isn't exactly new to me. But, I haven't sculpted a relief style figure this big as of yet. So, I have decided to try this format out for a bit. Unfortunately I have hit the imaginary brick wall in regards to my big project on my mythic journey. I am struggling with the format and time issues. You know I am not the most patient of people. So, this process of planning and trying to create the characters with so many other ideas flying at me and having to work a real job. Take their toll on my ability to devote tons of time on anything really. Instead I break it up into little fragments and nothing really gets accomplished it seems. This seems to be the story of my life of late. At least the big anxiety wave ha...