The Chorus

It's been a bit since I have posted a completed art piece.  I have been working behind the scenes on a number of things.  My mythic journey is coming along.  Here is a glimpse of the first completed character, one of the chorus figures.  He is the prototype for the rest of the characters' costumes and hair treatments.

This is the full view from the front of the character.  His costume is made of handmade papers.  The hair is from a sheep pelt of a New Zealand sheep.

Here is a closer view of his head.  Each of these characters seven in all are different sizes and are in different poses.

This is a side view of the character.  I have enjoyed using the paper for constructing the costumes so far.  Ask me when I reach the seventh character.  The paper is a bit easier to manipulate.  There is virtually no sewing required.

Now I just have to finish the six remaining and move on to the other characters for the first scene.  It's just plain busy this time of year.

Have a great weekend everyone and thank you for stopping by.


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