Tree #3

This is tree #3 in the series. I haven't photgraphed the fourth one yet. Others are in progress. I am really loving this technique a lot. I think I have found my groove as far as the painting process. You know there is something to be said for enjoying the process. But, I finally love seeing the final outcome too. I have to say that the photos never do the art real justice. These paintings really take on a life of their own and just glow when you place them under a spot light.


Anonymous said…
Cody, really enjoy this beautiful tree. I think you did great work on this and the sky is very good too. Wonderful blending and I like the 3d effect.
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you. I love this new approach to my painting.
Anonymous said…
This tree series is wonderful, Cody.
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you. I have five more in the series to go.
Wylde Iris said…
Cody, fellow Dollstreeter here, I really love your approach to your work. You have managed to combine a sculptural, painterly and mystical feel in this work and many of your others. Terrific stuff. Hope your studio open house went well.
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Wyilde Iris. You hit the nail on the head as to what I am trying to convey. I hope people can see the love in my work.
Your tree series is wonderful...
I like the technique you used very mch.
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you.

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