Going to the State Fair

This is my latest piece that is bound for the Ohio State Fair. She is a mixed media creation. I sculpted her head out of paper clay and incorperated a pointed sea shell for the top of her head. I used black hardware wire and found beads for her body and mounted that on a wooden base that was intended to make a large tassell cap out of. Her name is Paradina the "Pearl Peddler". She is holding up a large necklace of her latest finds.
The Guilded Lillies doll club of Columbus Ohio and Cyndy Sieving in said club have petitioned the state fair to add a larger number of categories for doll art. I am excited to take part this year.
I have been busy doing other things but you have inspired me to get back to my doll making,,,,Thanks for sharing and.......
Good Luck at the Fair ;-}