Trees series completed

Well, I have finally completed my "Trees" series of paintings. I am submitting them for an artist grant that is given to individual artists by a local organization here in Cincinnati. I kept the titles simple. They are Tree #1 through #7.

This series of paintings were created in acrylics, acrylic mediums and modeling paste. The inspiration for these paintings was that of nature. The tree to me is an iconic symbol of nature. As an artist with a visual impairment, a tactile approach was what I wanted to do. You can touch these paintings and feel the trees and the texture around them. I look at them as a modern fossil. Immortalizing the tree as a special and precious part of the natural world. You may notice that three of them are familiar. I have taken better photos of them and have included them here. I hope you enjoy them.


tamaraiivana said…
Beautiful paintings.
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you.
Karen Mallory said…
The tree paintings are brilliant! I love them! They do jump right off the canvas. Good luck on the grant.
hugs Karen
Cody I absolutely love trees, these are fantastic, they look so real and I love the fact that they are textural. Way to go guy, you are so very talented in so many areas. Hugs, kat Lees
Cody Goodin said…
Thanx so much Kat.
Shashi Nayagam said…
The tree paintings are beautiful! Goodluck with the grant.
tamdoll said…
These are really great, I just love trees.
Kai said…
Cody, your 'Trees' series is amazing! They're all realistic - yet at the same time, they have a very magical, ethereal feel about them! Shhhhh - I think maybe THAT'S where some of your darling house goblins originated! You do beautiful work! It's a real pleasure to visit your blog!
Anonymous said…
These are gorgeous, Cody...and I wish you good luck on the grant!

p.s. I tagged you over on my blog.
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you for the comments. BUt, what is this tag stuff?

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