New Goblins

I have recently completed the next group of goblin characters. Here we have the cat goblin and his friend a little dog fashioned after my own little guy. Then we have the infamous dust bunny. Thirdly we have my version of a will-o-the-wisp, These are all done in polymer clay. Hope you enjoy them.


Anonymous said…
All three are great, Cody! I especially love that exuberant cat! How tall are they? Thanks for always being inspiring.
I love that will-o-the-wisp character. You have a really interesting and unique vision.
Susie McMahon said…
I love these.....especially the green one!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks for the comments. The pieces all measure between 6-8 inches tall. THe cat goblin is around 10" as he is standing on a post.

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