Spiderwick Challenge and More...

Above is the second of the "Will-o-the-Wisp" characters I have made.  This one was finished in the nick of time for my local doll club's Spiderwick challenge.  The first one which is shown in an earlier post sold a few weeks back.  This guy is made of polymer clay over a paper mache sphere.  His wings are made out of hand made paper over a wire armature and then painted and stained.  This little guy will glow if exposed to a good light source than turn out the lights and you will see his faint glow.

This is a WIP of a character I am calling Autumnmunculus.  He is a member of the "Roaming Leaf Pile" clan of garden goblins.  His favorite thing to do is to nip at the heels of unsuspecting leaf rakers.  He will eventually have little tufts of leaves all over him.  This is a partial side view.

Here is a rear view of him.  He is made of poly clay over a half paper mache egg with wire armatures for the legs.  The paint job is a multi step process.

Here we have a nice shot of his face.  I used antique glass cabs for his eyes.


Anonymous said…
What a fun idea for a challenge, Cody!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks, it was fun to see the other entries.
Shashi Nayagam said…
Ooooh your goblins are awesome!!! Best of luck with the challenge
Carla Trujillo said…
I didn't get a chance to tell you that your goblins are awesome! The work is really amazing to see.
Wish I could get into the spirit of the challenge. I'm really burnt out at the moment.
Griselda said…
These guys are too cute to be scary...love them Cody!

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