Last of this year...

Here are some more of my Ornies that I created this year for the holiday shows.  These were sculpted out of polymer clays over a wooden ball or egg depending on the shape I wanted.  I then added some sort of dangly item to give some more interest..

Of course the goblins were rather offended by my wanting to bling them out like this.  So undignified for them they said.  Too bad, it's the holidays.

I have been having fun with the goblins this year and hope to continue with them as an on going character for me.  This upcoming year I  am hoping to branch out into other creatures  though.  So many possibilities out there.  Not to mention ones you can just make up.  But,  myth and legend are a great resource for ideas.  I like the idea of creating hybrids of several different creatures.

My version of the goblin is not the traditional one anyway.  I think they are given a bad rap.  They are not all bad.  Just mischievous and love to have fun tricking humans.  Most of mine are of that persuasion.  My story I am working on depicts goblins in a more positive way for the most part.

So, the goblins and I wish you a very happy new year.  I hope it is better than this one we are leaving behind and that you find many wonderful things ahead.  Keep thinking those positive thoughts and keep hope in your heart.  It is that irrational positivity that can make miracles happen.  Straight from the goblins mouth.  See you next year.


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