What to do?

Hello my wonderful blog friends out there.  Sorry for the long silence.  I have been really struggling to get work done this summer.  There is always an excuse of one sort or another.  But, in the interim. I have decided to show some pics of my playing around with images of my little characters.  These are some of my early art dolls that I took digital pictures of and then imported them into Photoshop and had fun just playing around with them.  My original intent was to make ATC's (Artist Trading Cards) with the images.

When I get some of my current works in progress complete I am planning on using them in some digital picture storytelling experiments.  Yes, I need a new distraction.

All three of these figures were made using the stump doll style of body.  The heads and hands are mixed media.  Back in the day I used molds and then would alter them to create more unique features.  It's a lot of fun actually.  The advantage to using a molded head as the starting point is it saves loads of time.

The last one here is one that I made as a joke.  The actual art doll is called Devil in a Red Dress and it looked like a cross dressing devil.  He was really fun to make.  I am actually revisiting this character a bit in a new piece in the works.  A bit updated however.

As I may have mentioned.  This summer I am taking time out to create art I want to create without any pressure to sell it or make something I think people will want to buy.  I guess in all honesty, I love making my goblins and such, but when I made them to please the buying public, I began to not enjoy them so much.  So, I am playing and experimenting, taking my time to do what I feel like doing.  I will keep sharing with you all as I get things finished or even in the middle.  Thank you as always for visiting me and giving me words of encouragement once in a while.  I love you all for that.  You don't know how much that simple act means to me or anyone else for that matter.  Have a great rest of the week out there.


Emily Eckel said…
Cody, I like this new direction of yours. Both the reimaging of your old work and following your muse instead of your market. Suggest you consider selling some of the images of old work on etsy or something similar. I also like your updated header on the blog. Glad you linked to facebook. It reminded me to visit.
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Emily, what wonderful words of encouragement. I am considering offering some of the images on ebay. They would certainly be easier to ship.
Coach Z said…
Ok I really love the last one my friend... and thinks its brilliant. Strange how things start as a farce end up rather alive...saying something like "I am not joke, boy!".

Great Job! I miss you!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Mario, I am actually working on a sequel to the devil in a red dress. I love the idea of Saint Lucifer.
Cody, I LOVE your pieces!! Especially the Devil in the Red Dress!
How fun to meet you. Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting so I could then find you.
Mariyn Radzat :)
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Mariyn, I love your work too. I visit your blog often. Very inspiring.

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