Happy Halloween
A happy Halloween out there to all of you who follow and or visit my humble blog. I have been a bit neglectful of late. It seems that life and lack of energy after a full day at the art supply store can really take it out of you. So, for this festive season I offer two recent photos taken for one of my photography class assignments. in the above is a dance of skeletons in a tree. It was hanging in a yard I came across during a neighborhood stroll. I decided on this vintage treatment to make it extra spooky.
Lastly, is a fun little decked out yard filled with ghosts and jack-o-lanterns. A little girl lives there so it wasn't meant to be too scary. It was a fun walk through the old neighborhood. I haven't had the time to do that in a few years actually. I used to walk my dog around all the streets. But, now that he is quite elderly and barely able to walk, we don't go far.
Hope you have a safe and ghoulishly fun Halloween. Mine will be a quiet night at home watching Art 21 or Constantine.