Urban Runes: Sigil the dance of light and shadow

Hello and happy Sunday March 8, 2015 to all of you out there. I wanted to dedicate this post to the idea of light and shadow. Today and actually this weekend, we are commemorating the 50 year anniversary of the march across the bridge in Selma Alabama. This march symbolized the struggles of minorities getting equal rights in our country. It was to me a struggle between the forces of good and evil or shadow and light.

So, the rune that symbolizes that the most for me is Sigil. It is seen as a zigzag and remids us of a lightning bolt. The scar on the forehead of Harry Potter was that of a sigil or lightning bolt. It represents to me the ability to face ones fears. To overpower the darkness by shining our great inner light. To let truth shine forth from the darkness of deceit and lies.

A friend had posed an interesting question. "Ever feel left out on life?May sound like a strange question but I'm just wondering.thoughts anyone?" This was the question posed and it got me to thinking what causes one to feel this way. For me, it is the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness in the struggle for what is right and fair in the world. The shadow of destruction looming over our planet and how helpless one person can feel. I realized that the darkness is a feeling of isolation. Me against a cruel world. But, it is the power of we that takes us out of that dark corner. As an artist, I draw upon the power of we to help me define my place in the world and that even my small voice matters when it is combined with other voices. I am the little rain drop that falls into a river and then has the power to cut through mountains. Art is the greatest non violent form of protest. We as artists can illustrate how negative events and actions are affecting our lives. We can often illuminate those dark corners in peoples lives to shine a light of truth. 

This image I shot over two years ago, always reminds me of the power of light. Though we may be surrounded by darkness there is always light somewhere to guide us to a safe place.

Thank you for stopping by today and may you find your light and let it shine. The world really needs that right now.


Karen Mallory said…
I love this post! I thought about that question too. (It was Rosie's) I am a depressive and often feel left out. It got so bad I actually created my own world. Got help for that one. I use my crafts and art to try and stay grounded to this world. I love your art and how each piece says volumes! hugs Karen
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Karen for your lovely comment.

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