Millenium Goddess

Millenium Goddess was a fun piece I created out of found objects, reclaimed dolls, and sculpted head. I painted the whole thing silver and did an antiquing paint treatment using pearlex powders and glazing to create the look of light bronze. I love this piece. It stands about 12 inches high.


whimsymoon said…
Wow! She's very cool Cody! I love the way you finished her....her color is gorgeous.
wonderful piece of Art! Stef
Carla Trujillo said…
Very cool Cody!! Love the work your producing!!
Judi W. said…
Love all the sculptures but I think this one is my favorite.
jandee said…
Hi COdy have moved to Nc SO I realy love this internet as I can still keep up with you!! Great work Have my paintings from you I think of you often hugs jand.
Karen Mallory said…
Your sculptures are really cool Cody! I love the Millenium Goddess!
hugs Karen
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks for the kind remarks of my recent art postings. I am really happy to finally share some of what I have been working on.

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