The first Gooney Goblin Bird spotted in Cincinnati...

Well, as I promised you all earlier this week, here is the first Gooney Goblin bird. He was inspired by one of the heads that I made from a recycled goblin head bead. He is polymer clay and stand about six inches high. I retained the original color scheme of the head of red and green. I did add a bit of bright blue to get rid of the Christmasesque coloring. This first shot is an angled profile. Sorry, I am still having shaky hand syndrome.

Here is a rear shot showing off his tail.

This is a side mug shot of him. He will have five other companions at some point. He is mounted on a simple wooden base. I hope to get a few more sculpted this weekend. My summer vacation is coming to a rapid close and I do not want to return to work at the art store. I just want to keep sculpting. I am having so much fun. Later y'all.


Abi said…
He is adorable!
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Abi.

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