Fast and Furious...

Hello again out there in blog land. I am posting on the fly as my days are getting filled with all sorts of errands and studio trips and work at the art store. So, I figured post 'em if you got 'em right? So, here is another WIP for you all to gander at. This is the unpainted, but baked Yeti Goblin. He stands around 10" high and will be decked out with some fur once he is painted. He will be placed on his own little niche type display that will hang on the wall. Anyway, thought you might like to see how some of my creatures come to life. Have a great Tuesday, again.


Unknown said…

Wow you are posting like crazy...Love the WIP

Sonia ;)
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Sonia, I know it was a lot. But, I think I am taking a bit of a break for a few days.

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