WIP Monster Maddness Continues

It seems that I am having a rough time getting any work done this month.  I wanted to start the year off with lots of new pieces.  Alas, I am coming home from working at the art store so tired.  But, in the midst of all that, I am working on a monster.  As you may recall I am participating in the Year of Monsters over at DAG (Dark Artists Guild).  Here you can see the armature and the final sculpt before baking. I hope to post the finished dude this weekend.  I can't say he is all that sinister looking though.  I am not sure if I can make a mean monster.  But, I have a year to try.

If you missed my post about my big give away you can see the previous post or click here.  Have a great rest of the week y'all.


Anonymous said…
He's great Cody!!!
I love your one eyed monsters...

Whoops I need to go to DAG and check it out ~ It's been awhile since I've visited.
Cody, your Monster is coming along great. I better get cracking myself. I thought this year was going to be all about Studio time...boy, was I wrong! LOL Well, we have to grab those moments when we can create and work in our studios. Good luck and have a great weekend. Cheers
Creepy Margaret said…
Hi Cody -- I like seeing your process on this one. And the little shell guys are cool. -- Margaret

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