A Finished UFO

As promised, here is the finished version of one of my UFOs.  This isn't such a great photo of it but, hopefully you can get the idea.  I call this piece "Spirits of the Grove" and represents the souls of the trees that are released after being chopped down.  I have a great bit of anger towards reckless clearing of our precious trees even in the city where they are needed the most.  Power companies justify it by saying it interferes with their power lines.  So, this is my humble healing piece for the trees that I am sending out into the universe.  I love trees and respect them for what they do for us and the planet.

Below is the pre-finished version to refresh your memory of where it started out it's life.

Don't forget to enter my July giveaway that was listed in the previous post.  Just scroll down and you will find it there.  I hope you all have a smashing weekend coming up.  Stay cool if you can and go forth and create.


LuLu Kellogg said…
Great work Cody!

I am glad you are feeling better.

Wishing you a creative weekend,
LuLu from
The Dark Artists Guild
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you LuLu, back at ya and hope things are good with you too.
Anonymous said…
WOW Cody they turned out awesome!!! I really like all the texture!

Thank you for your comment on my blog also I hope that you can make it to a NIADA event... It's quite fun!

Glad your feeling better.
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Pattee, I hope you are feeling better.

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