Mini Me!

Happy Monday everyone.  I hope you all are doing well out there.  Well, I managed to finish my self portrait challenge doll and earlier than I thought this time.  I still have time to get some ornaments made.  In the meantime, here's my mini me.  The story is, this is myself twenty years into the future.  I have become an eccentric old wizard.  But, I am not the robe wearing type, so I am dressing myself in something a bit more modern.  A little rough around the edges and I have let my hair and beard grow out a bit.  When you're old and magical you can get away with it.  He's a polymer clay head, hands and feet.  His coat is a pieced together one made out of leather scraps from a leather coat I once wore.  His hat is also made from the same leather as are his boot cuffs.  Every piece of clothing is either hand sewn or glued.

Here is the close view of my head.  The glasses were made by my partner Buck.  He is really good at detail and these look like the ones I currently wear.  I think I will hire him to make all of my accessories from no on.  Well, I hope you enjoyed seeing my mini me.  I hope to post about my ornaments and Chocolat show pieces soon.  Until then, have a great week.  Cio!


Lorell Lehman said…
He's wonderful Cody! I love the way you have dressed him and the glasses are really something!
There's a lot going on in that little face.....a really successful piece. Fantastic!
flyingbeader said…
OMG, he's great!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Lorell you are so kind. He didn't turn out exactly how I wanted, but close. Thanks Dot, I was a labor of love.
Unknown said…
Awseome Cody...Ur a very cool looking wizard.

Cody Goodin said…
Thanks SOnia.
Unknown said…
Cody, I am sure you will be a very wise and mysterious wizard in the future if your wizardry is anything like your talent with dolls. He's just great. Are you going to set him up in a panorama?
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Onceuponamoon, no probably not. He is about 16" tall and a bit too big to create a panorama for. He will keep me company in the studio though.
Karen Mallory said…
Wow! You did yourself proud Cody!! He turned out so fab! I think you have a nack for doing real people sculpture to go along with your wild creatures!
hugs Karen
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Karen. I do hope to do more. I am thinking it would be fun to do portraits of people as I see them in fantasy roles. It makes it more my own interpretation of that person.
Shupes said…
reminds me of the movies puppet master. Mini me of course is not a evil creation of course but its very creative. Nice.
Coach Z said…
Fabulous and yes Buck is really good at those details... The glasses are fab! Again, great concept and execution. I love the materials you used and its modern flare.

Old and the new elements and themes together... that is how I picture you now and in the future.

Brightest Blessings!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks again MarZel, he is sitting in my studio away from home keeping those bad energies out of my creative space there. He watches over all the goblins and other creatures that live there still. This weekend is his first studio show.

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