RiverCity Figurative Artist' Guild Annual Show and Sale

Just a quick post to let you all know about a show i;ll be in here in good ole Cincinnati.  It is the RiverCity Figurative Artist' Guild annual show and sale.  Hope to have a bunch of new work and my self portrait challenge piece there.  Hope you all out there are having a good week so far.  It's getting cold already here.  Oh, and don't forget about my class that starts on December 1st.  You can read about it here and sing up in the left side of the blog.  Hope to post some art later this week.  Thank you for stopping by.


Anonymous said…
Congratulations Cody! Wish I could be out there for the show. Do you know Kevin Buntin? I was wondering if he is in that show as well....

I've got to remember to sign up for you class... kick me please : )

Cody Goodin said…
OK, Pattee no kicking from me. Maybe a nudge. Yes, I know Kevin and he is not in our show. He lives about 2 hours north of Cincinnati and probably wouldn't want to drive so far.
sewn_seabee said…
I am from Lexington, am new to doll making and am interested in the "River City Figurative Artist's Guild" group
when do you have meetings and such

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