Still Moving Along

A slow uphill course but, I am still moving forward.  Yes, I am trying to get my creative mojo back.  Yet, I am making little discoveries along the way.  One is that I have a deep seated desire to work with fiber and textiles again.  So, I asked a dear friend of mine who is an outstanding art quilter and teacher, David Walker if he would tutor me on his method of making art quilts.  I am not interested in the traditional.  I never really do anything traditional.  But, I need a foundation on which to launch myself into the stratosphere of art again.

I believe a lot of my ideas, imagery and stories will translate well into the art quilt medium.  Hopefully you all can follow me along on my journey.  So, many ideas, so little time to get them down.  But, I will pick one and start there.  Stay tuned for that.

On another note, I have here a picture of some of the small works I have in progress.

These are fun little things I like to play around with.  Many of them are air dry clay heads or faces mounted on panels.  Ready for the fun with mediums and mixed media stuff.   Here is a picture of an earlier piece I did a few years back that inspires these newer incarnations.

I think some of these images can translate well to the art quilt medium.  We shall see how it goes.  Hey, it's another excuse to play with fabric and other stuff.

I will be off teaching in Columbus next week.  So, I have to get busy preparing for that.  So, you all have a great weekend and I'll see you around the bend.


Carla Trujillo said…
It will be cool to see some of your work with fiber and textiles.
Sorry to hear that your muse is is giving you difficult time. Hopefully it will pass soon!
Good luck in Columbus!
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Carla, I am coming back slowly. Can't wait for Columbus trip. Hope you are doing ok healthwise.

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