Another Year Older and Surpise

Hello to all of my followers out there.  I can't believe I have 205 of you who follow my journey.  Thank you so much for your support and interest into my world.  I am still hosting the give away celebrating this breaking 200 milestone if you want to get in on it you can go here  

I thought I would show you a sneak peek of what I have been doing with some of my creative time.  Below is a picture of the first set of furniture I have built for one of my photo scenes.  It is for Coco Channell's apartment.  It is crafted in the mid century modern style.  But, with a few liberties taken for this particular character.  It has been great fun designing the furniture, picking out the fabrics and materials and getting the job done. It is all in 1/6 inch scale to fit the size of the dolls.

I have decided that I need to actually make Coco's character as the doll I used just for the test shots is way too big for this scale.  That is alright as I can now remake her the way I really want her to look.  I have a headless Barbie body I am going to alter a bit and then sculpt a new head that is a bit older in age.  It is really the only way to get the character I want.

Today I received a wonderful surprise from a friend in the mail.  PB of Mymonstercrush sent me this Rosie Barbie with a hand made dress.  I told her how hard it was to find a fuller figured doll as some of my characters needed to be more real in their shape.  Charlotte is one and I wanted a few more dolls to get away from the tiny Barbie bodies.  Yes, I could probably spend hours sculpting one, but I wanted to avoid that if I could.  So, ta da thank you PB.  You can check out her awesome blog here.

Artists are some of the nicest and most generous people in the world.  I do hope you all have a great week a head of you.  My turning another year older is hopefully making me a bit wiser too.  I am not one to complain about birthdays.  As a matter of fact I rejoice in them.  I made it another year.  What adventures will be in store for me this up coming year.  The forecast for Pisces is awesome for this year.  I have made many great strides spiritually this past year and hope to make many more this new one coming up.  Onward and upward as a dear friend of mine always says.

Go forth and laugh, play and have fun with your life.  Dance like there's no tomorrow and love with all of your hearts minds and bodies.  That is truly what this beautiful life is all about.  Love to you all and until next time.


PB said…
The furniture is fab! Great work!!!
I love 'to scale' doll furniture. Thanks for Thanks and the link :)

And Happy Birthday!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks PB your thoughtful gift really made my day. I tried out the furniture with Ms. Rosie and it fits beautifully.

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