Jen Worden's Challenge #5

This is my entry for Jen WOrden's challenge #5. We were to take a picture from a magazine and trace out the shape with a black marker like a sharpie. Then we were to paint within the lines using gesso. So, here is my attempt. I thought this was a great exercise in seeing composition potentials.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for taking the challenge Cody. I love what you did with it. Kudos!
Ronna said…
Wow. Love it!
azirca said…
this is really neat, I love what you have done. it is really surprising at how different the photos that people are using look when given this treatment.
Carla Trujillo said…
Great job Cody!!
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you everyone. I can't believe that I won this challenge. It is such an honor. Thanks Jen for getting me into having fun with art. Sometimes we loose that when we try and make it a career.
Linda Misa said…
Love this idea and I can see the possibilities - well done Cody!

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