Not so successful...

Well, here is an attempt at making a different kind of character of sorts.  I originally intended this to be a Caterpillar creature.  Trying mind you, to sculpt him in the same style as my goblins.  But, alas I am not too happy with it. I made some interesting discoveries along the way though.  The painting process was certainly enjoyable for this one.  I am thinking though, that I want it to be less cartoonish.  Oh, well back to the drawing board.


Susie McMahon said…
Oh Cody!
Don't be so hard on yourself - he's 'different' and certainly has that certain 'je ne sais quoi'. And at least he can stand on his own six feet!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Susie, I suppose I shouldn't be too critical. He's a little more crude than I normally sculpt.
flyingbeader said…
Cody he is great. I think you did a good job & love the face.
Judy Skeel said…
Cody - he is more fun than you realize. He is like a mix of the caterpillar in Alice and Wonderland and Jabba the Hut. Can you imagine the personality ranges there alone?! The teal and copper are a great mix too.
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Judy and Dot, I was originally going for the caterpillar in Alice but, as I went further he didn't want to become that. I still intend to do a version of the caterpillar though.

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