Artdollz Spring/Summer 2009 Challenge piece.

On a lighter note today, I am posting a picture of my challenge piece for the Yahoo group Artdollz. It was created for the Spring/Summer 2009 Challenge. The theme I chose among the ones offered was My Secret Garden.

He is called Raptagoblus. A Dodo Goblin bird. He inhabits my secret goblin garden. His feathers are reputed to give extreme intelligence for a brief period. The only problem is they have a nasty side effect. The more you use them to get smarter, the dumber you become when the effects of the feathers wear off. Hence the saying dumb as a dodo bird. So, anyone out there who runs accross one of these guys, leave their feathers alone. Enjoy!


Christina said…
i love this little guy and his story :)
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Christina for the comment.
Anonymous said…
I love your work!!!
It makes me laugh and this
Raptagoblus ... is totally wonderful!!!
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Pattee, for your kind words.
3rdEyeMuse said…
dodo goblin bird ... fantastic!
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you 3rdeyemuse.
Judy Skeel said…
Love it! I need one for my garden!!!!!
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Judy for the nice comments. I am sure the goblin bird would love to live in your garden.
Unknown said…
Cody come on by my blog sweetie...

Sonia ;)

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