Hallowed Store Windows

Ok, I know it seems like forever since I posted. It's a busy time of year for me as lots of irons in the fire. But, i wanted to show a bit of fluff. Here are the window displays at the art store where I work in Cincinnati. It is Plaza Art Lances in the University of Cincinnati area. October is national art month and so we were encouraged to create windows depicting our creative side. Also, we are entering it in a national contest with other art retailers to win a party for our store. So here is window number one.

Another view of window one and the front door with our sign the reads "Artober the Month of Art". I know it is silly but, my coworkers know I like puns.

This is the second window. I wanted to do something that included my favorite holiday too so I decided on simple silhouettes. Well, there you have it. Hopefully I will have some new work to show by this weekend. I finished art for the local Secret Art project for Artworks Cincinnati. It's a charity to raise money for summer art jobs for kids and artists. I can't show them until they are sold. It's supposed to be a secret as to whom created the art until it sells. I'll just say monsters and goblins where involved. Have a great week everyone.


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