Monday Catch Up

OK, two posts in one week is rare for me I know.  But, I thought I'd play catch up while I can.  This is a busy season for me and I have lots of creating to do.  In addition to that, I decided to give my blog a new look for October.  Hope you like it.  It needed a bit of something.  I am not sure this is it.  But, in the spirit of adventure and creativity I thought what the heck.  This little guy is the first in a limited series of characters.  He is a Dweedle.  They are little magical beings that aren't quite convinced that they are magical.  So, whenever they make magic it tends to be accidental and without intention.  This little one is trying to lift something quite heavy and out of reach to make way for his walking.  He hasn't quite got it yet.

Here's another view of the guy.  No, he doesn't have a name yet.  When I try to ask him he mumbles something that sounds like Moot.  So, maybe I will call him Mumbbly Moot.  He is a polymer clay sculpt over a cotton egg and wire armature.  His face is a recycled goblin head bead I made two years ago. I didn't use the beads as they were too heavy for the necklace I was making.  Nothing like recycling to spur creativity.  Have a great week one and all.


flyingbeader said…
Cody, this is fabulous!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Dot.
Anonymous said…
Cody, this is wonderful! I see a great deal of progression in your work! You Rock!

Anonymous said…
Cody I JUST LOVE LOVE this creature!!! He's so endearing to me: )
Cody Goodin said…
Ho, thank you Joyce and Pattee, that means a lot.
Fran said…
WOW! I love Mumbbly Moot. I think you should name him Mumbbly Moot. It's a perfect name for him.
Coach Z said…
Great choice on the background. I really like it! The colors are great. This moot guy is a hoot! He is inspired and makes me smile. Excellant as usual. PS featured yoru giveaway on my blog!!

Cody Goodin said…
Thank you MarZel, I used one of the decorative papers as the background. It was one of those aha moments when I was trying to find something to use besides my usual black.

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