The Ornament Exchange

Well, with much pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth, I finally completed my ornament for this years exchange.  It was for the RiveCity Figurative Artists Guild that I am a member of and our Christmas Brunch tradition  This years theme was to be based on some art form or ism.  Our luncheon is being held in the Cincinnati Art Museums cafe this year.  So, I thought this theme was appropriate.  At the last minute I finally decided to honor our ancient traditions and do a piece loosely based on a variety of petroglyphs.  It is kind of simple but, I really like the way it turned out.  It is very totem like in the way it looks.

It's been a busy fall season and I have been one of the lucky artists who have sold a nice amount of work.  At both of the Essex Studios art walks I received a lot of great feedback.  Nothing inspires an artist more than that.  So, I am really inspired to get going on some new things and yes, even a new class is on the horizon.  Have a great weekend everyone.  Until next time in Codyland.


Art Project said…
WOMEN'S RIGHTS is our 4th Exhibition, thats Artists to Women Rights in Women in Art 4th
Artists lists to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd exhibitions was more than 100 artists from more than 20 countries !
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS EVENT!! take part as an artist or as a mail-artist, or so simple share this event to your friends and contacts !
ask for info to Noemi Silvera response to this mail :
Thank you and bests regards in advance

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