A Handmade Gift

Hello out there in cyberspace.  I hope the week has been kind to you all.  I just wanted to show you a little something I made a friend for her birthday.  As you may recall I have been on this book making kick lately.  Well, I got the idea to make her a special little sketch book or journal.  This is an albino mountain demon.  They are found mainly in the Himalayan mountains.

The face of the book is made from polymer clay and hand painted glass eyes.  The hair tufts are from New Zealand sheep pelts.  The cover is a faux fur in white.  The clasp is a claw made of polymer clay and the journal has a tail page marker.\

Here is a side view of the book.

This is the back cover of the book.  The book was a fun diversion and learning experience.  I am hoping to make more books and try some different approaches.  Artist books can be just about anything.

There are a few sculpting projects still in the works so stay tuned for those.  I have a few more pieces to make as class proposal samples and some bas relief pieces too.  More time in the studio is working out well.  Until next time friends have a great week ahead.


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