Visiting Dignitary

A very important being arrived today on the Codyland Express.  Visiting all the way from Tibet.  May I introduce you to Swami Goat-i-nanda.  His holiness has decided to visit some of his friends here in Codyland and I have the honor of his presence here at the homestead.

They say enlightened beings take a long time to come around.  He was no exception.  This fellow has been in the works for many months and finally made his appearance.  He is made from many recycled bits and pieces as is true of many holy men.  His head and hands are sculpted from polymer clay.  His body is soft wrapped wire armature.  His cloths are recycled socks, cotton and fibers.  He holds in his hands his mala for his daily mantra sessions.  I suppose it would be more appropriate for him to be tending his herd as apposed to ao flock.

Even the monsters have been good in Goat-i-nandas presence which is saying a lot.  My little side trip away from Procrastination station was worth it I think.  I hope you enjoy this bit of enlightenment for your day.  As Swami would say may your hooves travel the road of kindness and rest on the pillow of peace.



Colleen said…
Cody, He is so cool. And I love your write up about him. He's really made my day.
flyingbeader said…
Ahhh...kinds words from such a strange feet definitely will be resting later on that pillow of peace after I come back from the store....LOL!
Fran said…
Cody, He is FANTASTIC! I enjoyed reading about him. Sometimes we need a break from creating to get a fresh start later. I needed a little break so thought I'd read some blogs....then go back to finishing paper work. :-) I should have everything finished this evening. Can't wait to see what you create next.
Have A Great Day,
Cody Goodin said…
Colleen, Dot and Fran thank you so much for your comments. It means a lot to me. I am glad that Swami could provide a bit of respet for you all.
Leilani Lyons said…
Cody, it was truly en-lightening on dreary day to read about Swami (and viewing him was a de-light, too). Especially liked the phrase about holy men (and probably women, too) being made up of recycled bits and pieces. So true.
Cody Goodin said…
Leilani, thank you for the kind comments. You never know who will visit Codyland.
Judy Skeel said…
I love him! I just can't find any other words!!!
PB said…
How lovely he is :)
Cody Goodin said…
Thank Judy and PB, I appreciate the comments.

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