And the Winners Are!

OK, friends here are the winners of my latest giveaway in honor of my mothers birthday.  She would have been 82 if she had survived.  Love you mom.

Winner of the shell goblin pictured above is #4 Flyingbeader.

Winner of the Alien magnet is #6 Rita.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for playing.  Send me your mailing information to and I will get your prizes out to you ASAP. A big thank you to all who have become followers of my humble blog.  I am happy that you find things worth your while to see.  It is an honor to share my art with you and the world.  I am working on a blog about my puppetry adventure.  Nothing posted yet.  But, I will let y'all know when I do.  Have a great weekend.


BG Dodson said…
AHA! Someone else does vacuum tubes on heads!!! VERY COOL!

I like your work - thanks for the visit to my page that led me here.


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