Pardon the Diversion

Please excuse the slight diversion today.  But, I just had to share pictures of some amazing mushrooms my partner has managed to grow.  He purchased a mushroom growing kit from a local vegan/health food store.  His first attempt didn't produce much in the way of mushrooms.  So, it just sat on our plant shelf for a week or so.  Then all of a sudden out popped these beauties.  They are beautiful examples of oyster mushrooms.

The monsters were so excited they fell all over themselves.

Needless to say I created a wonderful pasta dish incorporating these odd fellows and it was quite tasty.  So, in some ways these mushrooms really were magic.  Just not the ones that produce bad trips.

Just had to share the fun.  Have a great day.


Fran said…
I'm sure these mushrooms were worth the wait. Besides being very tasty they look very pretty. Or should I say they did look very pretty until they were eaten. LOL
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Fran, yes they were quite tasty.
PB said…
Those are spectactular!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks PB, they were quite tasty.
tamdoll said…
I've been seeing these mushroom kits, must have been a surprise to see it suddenly grow! I might have to try it one day.

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