Something a little different

So, the visiting dignitaries to Codyland continue this week.  Swami Goat-i-nanda has really brought visitors from far and wide here, of course I am living every second of it.  Pictured above is the Queen of Codyland herself.  Queen Geneva Isabella de Goodoux seems to be bringing something special for Swami to see.  I snapped this publicity picture of her just before she entered the small place where Swami has been holding his impromptu teachings.

She is a apoxy clay head, found hands and cloth body construction.  Her royal garb is assembled from many gifts to the land.  She is more than the royal mother.  Her presence symbolizes the Empress in the Tarot.  She is wise beyond her years, kind when it is needed and stern in other instances.  Like a great mother.  The monsters all behave in her presence.  She has that way with people.  I adore her and am happy she calls Codyland home.  Her husband the emperor is away at the moment and I am not sure when he is due to return to Codyland.  But, when he does I shall let you know.

Enjoy your week.  I have a small band of squirrels to deal with her in my humble cottage.  They have decided to take up residence and don't seem to respect personal boundaries.  Until next time.


Colleen said…
She's very luxe with all those richly coloured and textured fabrics. Definitely royalty. Awesome.
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Colleen, your comments are most appreciated.
flyingbeader said…
LOL! Love her & can't wait to see the other half...aka, the Emperor.
Shashi Nayagam said…
She is certainly a very impressive regal lady. Not surprised that the Swami draws so many followers from far and near.
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Dot. I need to try and find the right fabrics. I am very low. THanks Shashi.
Judy Skeel said…
Regal and elegant! - Kudos!
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Judy, your comments appreciated as usual.

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