Lonely Hearts Club

Charlotte Rae Deen, lives her life in many ways.  But, in a romance is not one of them.  It isn't that she has no interest.  Oh, there is plenty of interest in the companionship of a fine male partner.  No, Charlotte Rae is one of those unlucky girls who just can't seem to attract a suitable partner.  In Charlotte's mind she is the perfect partner.  Smart, well read, creative with a wacky sense of humor.  That is her interpretation of things.  However, to those on the outside looking in, Charlotte is, well no better way to put it than odd.  She spends much of her free time reading romance novels and tending to her many cats.

If it weren't for one true friend Carlos, she would be truly alone.  Charlotte adores Carlos.  She often fantasizes about a life together with him.  But, there is one big problem that stands in her way.  He isn't interested in her,that way. Never mind that she has tried everything she can think of to tame his wild heart.  Charlotte has welcomed all of Carlos' male friends into her world although she would rather have him all to herself.  To make matters worse Carlos has taken on a new job, which seems to keep him away from her even more than in the past.  She is happy he is employed again, not that she minded taking care of him.  But, it gives him a sense of pride to be independent.

Charlotte is wondering who is this mysterious employer that needs so much of Carlos' time.  She makes a mental note to ask him about that. Charlotte has quite a few mouths to feed at the moment and her attention is on her furry babies.

Hope you all enjoy part two of my little storyette.  I have been continuing my character developmental and playing around with the photography.  I am beginning to see a new camera is definitely a must for future endeavors.  I have several story lines I am wanting to pursue.  So, you may see some other storyette ideas intermingled with this one.  Have a great day everyone.  Thank you for stopping by.


flyingbeader said…
Poor Charlotte...I see she has plenty of feline friends to keep her mind off of Carlos.
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Dot, she will be fine. Her life is about to get a little more interesting.
David Walker said…
I love Charlotte who lives inside a romance novel. And all those cats bodes well for her karma. Poor Charlette. Will her heart be broken? Will she adopt more strays like Carlos and the cats? I love her spunk and unabashed kindness. I wish her happiness.

Cody Goodin said…
Thanks David, I love your insight.

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