Becoming ME

Hello my wonderful friends out there in blog land.  I hope the summer is treating you well.  Are you exploring some new territory?  Perhaps revisiting familiar places both literally or metaphorically   I am finding that I have been slowly evolving underneath the surface of my consciousness.  My ego mind has had such a great time trying to figure out what to make of my creative career of late.  So many ideas, so many new explore were like delicious foods I had to examine and taste.  But, the down side to all of that is sometimes a bit of confusion   What has all this to do with me you might ask?  Well, I am finding myself in need of a reinvention of sorts.  Due to some minor physical health issues my sculpting days are numbered.  So, I have been exploring other avenues of creativity.  Hence my experiments into photography.

Now, most of us who went to art school were told or encouraged to stick with one medium so that we could make a name for ourselves and people would know what we did as an artist.  That's all well and good for those who can focus on one form their entire life.  But, for myself on the other hand, this was quite difficult. I love so many different things that I couldn't focus on just one.  It was akin to being in a candy store and only being allowed to have one treat amongst all those available.  I just can't do it.  My point here is for those of you who know me and have followed me for some time know that I do change things up a bit from time to time.  But, when I begin to contemplate radical shifts in what I do or how I create it conjures up a whole host of fears and doubts.  So my lack of posting here has been for several reasons.  A lack of time or motivation is one.  Another more potent one is that I am undergoing a metamorphosis of sorts within myself.

This leads me to my real reason for posting today.  I have decided to give back to my creative community and others who may be interested.  How I can do that is unique for me.  Due to the circumstances in my life, I can not give large sums of money to my favorite charities.  I can not donates hours of time in my local soup kitchens or other places.  I can't drive or get around with that much ease.  So, I thought long and hard about how I might be of service to my community.  Then a flash of inspiration hit me.  I can offer my class "The Alchemy of ME" as a free blog  diary of sorts.  I have discovered many things along my spiritual journey that has helped me cope and evolve as a person.  So, I thought it might a good way to give back to all of you who may be interested, to take a trip into my world of becoming enlightened.  The fun thing is, it does involve creative projects and it doesn't matter what your religious beliefs or lack there of are, all can gleam something from my process.  All I can say is, one person in my life who has noticed a great change in me, who is very skeptical about self help stuff was impressed with what I have achieved in just a few short years.  But, this whole process is lifelong.  It doesn't matter where you are or where you have come from.  It all leads up to each moment. So, right where you are is the perfect place to start.

In the next few days I will be rolling out my new blog dedicated to offering the personal alchemical process of discovering who you are and how to make the most of what you have in life.  Are you interested?  Would you like to see what it's all about?  Awesome!  I will be making the big announcement here soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read what I had to say.  I love you all and am so very grateful for your comments, encouragement and support over the years.  That means the world to me.


Coach Z said…
Well, I am excited for you! I cannot wait to see your new blog and take your class!!! Left you a special message on FB. I am excited to see how things develop for you!!!

Many Blessings!!!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Mario. Me too. Your journey has really inspired me too.
Judi W. said…
That's exciting, Cody. Can't wait to see it!
David Walker said…
Kudos for your courage. Change does not include a safe road map for our journeys, but it does provide the power of friendships we have made along the way. You have so many friends who are cheering for you. Wishing you much success.

Marjorie Dawson said…
Exploring and discovering via a blog is an inspirational way for all of us to follow YOUR journey and have the courage to start our own exploration. Especially when we are starting to generate our own blog content!
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Judi, David and Marjoie for the kind words and encouragement. It is a bit frightening to put one's self out there like that for all to see and read. But, I think very worth it in the end. My goal is to help others be their very best at what they dream to be.

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