Having Some Fun

I thought it was time I start showing some art on here.  So, for your Friday afternoon entertainment is one of my recent photo stories called Friendly Chat.  You can make up your own story if you want.  But, I am having fun playing around with different characters and settings.

I hope you all have started to check out my Alchemy of ME blog.  It will be a fun blog course in getting in touch with your creative self.  As for this old dude, I have been putting in a lot more hours at the art supply store of late.  Good thing is it gives me more to add to the depleted art supplies.  So, not as much time to make art.  But, I have been trying to do a variety of art related things.  I also see I have lost a few followers. Oh, well I guess you can't please everyone.

Will be posting more art stuff again soon.  Thank you as always for keeping up with my goings on.  Have a great weekend one and all.


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