The Heart of the Matter

I decided to post just before the beginning of the week as it will be a busy one. Next weekend is the first studio open house of the year at the big studio place called Essex Studios. I will be working at the art supply store up to Thursday so no time really to do anything extra. I still have to find time to go and get the studio ready. In the meantime, I have some pictures of hearts I made for a heart swap over at Doll Street. Doll Street is an internet doll group.

Here is heart #1 the back side or the front, I am sure the person who receives it will decide that for themselves. These are made out of a foam heart shape that has been beaded and sequined. Other elements have been added as well.

The other side of heart #1. Kind of fancy but, I like how it turned out.

This is heart #2. I am showing the side I consider the front. The other side did not photograph well. It is a foam heart with faux fur and on the back I applied black leather. It is beaded and sequined also.

Last but, not least is the third heart. Here is the side that is considered to be the back. All sequined and beaded with some nice ribbon work thrown in for good measure.

The front of the heart has a nice button center and is sequined and beaded around that. I hope whoever receives one of these will like them. I think they turned out quite nice. It's a crafty kind of technique I learned many years ago but, comes in handy for a nice ornament. I thought these could be hung up and displayed if desired.

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my craftiness. Have a great week ahead and keep smiling.


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