The Art of Becoming, A Little Thursday Wisdom

It is funny how the tiniest of things can change your perspective on life. For a few years now, I have been on this quest to find myself or should I say find out what I am here on this planet to do. Sure, some of you might think this is an obvious question to answer. But, for someone like me who has through a very complicated life I have lived, learned to question everything even my own soul. My heart or soul whatever you want to call that inner voice kept calling out for me to listen to it. Many times it would act out almost like an angry child. But, finally a few years back I decided to stop and take the time to try and listen. It was really hard at first.Because I had spent so much of my time focusing on the outer world that I could barely hear that inner voice once I decided to try. We spent many long hours meditating, chanting, praying, affirming and making art in the name of self healing together. A long and exhausting process that would have untold benefits.

What was surprising to me was how much this process would change my world and what I thought was the norm. So I went through the typical questions of who am I, what am I meant to do or what am I here on this planet to do? The big what am I destined to do here? After many ways of getting into this question I have discovered a lot about myself. This whole idea of the who am I question is really simpler than we might think. Many times I think because of our spiritual or religious beliefs we are lead to believe in some grand lofty idea of what we are here for. I don't know about you, but I am no saint. I don't really want that title anyway. But, what I discovered is that we are already who we were meant to be. The problem is that we get in our own way and don't see our true selves. What are you passionate about? What drives you to really want to be on this planet. I mean beyond the responsibilities that we manufacture. What is you greatest dream? Those are the questions that will give you the answer. It took me lots of soul searching, listening to my inner voice to realize this for myself. I dream of creating art. I eat, sleep and talk art all the time. I have so many projects that I want to do running in my head at all times. I even dream about making art and living as a full time artist  Duh, Cody you must be thinking. But, in my defense I have had the you must have a serious line of work thing pounded into my head just like most of you have all my life. Even some of my well meaning friends kind of do this.

All of the creative experiences, types of art and various classes I have taken were all leading me to a critical point in my life. Even non related things like health issues and relationship issues can bring you to a crucial point of realization. I Cody Goodin am an artist. That is what I am here to do. It is my passion, it is what makes up my DNA. There, I have finally admitted it to myself and the world. In addition, I am excited that at this point in my life I have found a particular art form that creates such passion in my soul. Photography and it's many forms really turns up that creative fire. Unlike any other art form or medium I have come across in my life. So, I have decided to throw myself into this creative fire. I am all in and not going back.

I was really worried that the friends I made while making other types of art wouldn't understand and walk away from me. A few have, but mostly they have applauded me and cheer me on. Now that I know I can move forward with confidence and conviction, I am excited to see what happens next. I am learning as much as I can to further enrich my photographic experiences. This art form is a really cool way to tell stories and try different possibilities that I couldn't do in other art media.

I have been planning a huge photo project for nearly two years now. It has gone through many changes, edits and what if's. Finally, I am at a point of just getting my hands dirty, my feet wet and plunging into the big void of infinite possibility. Thank you to all my friends, fans and collectors for hanging in there with me. I appreciate the encouragement and support. Now I would like to share three of my most favorite photographs I have taken with you. You have or may have seen them before. But, perhaps I have not expressed why they mean so much to me.

This is one I titled "Little Cody". It was a doll I created in honor of my inner child and the childhood I had that was so difficult. I wanted to honor the innocent that we all are born as. I shot him on a black background because it gave a since of mystery and also timelessness. It could be viewed as either light or dark which sums up life pretty well.

This is a photo of a character doll I created called the miser. He was a representation of my own selfishness and miserly feelings. Holding onto everything so tightly which gives it little chance to grow. It was also one of the first photos that seemed to generate such emotional reactions in people. It made me realize I did have something to say in the photographic image.

This doll is based upon a character from the Wizard of Oz called the China Doll. She is a store bought doll. I have moved on to using mostly store bought dolls lately. This is for many reasons which you may already know. At any rate, I love the light I was able to capture in this image. It really moves me and gives me a feeling of nostalgic innocence. It looks like a warm old movie from yesteryear.This was a look I had been trying to achieve and finally made it.

There you have it. I hope you didn't mind my little bit of sharing. It is more than I normally do but, felt compelled to share my excitement. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend ahead.


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