A Closer Look
OK, my friends I am going to attempt something a bit different than my usual art and postings here for a little bit. So, hopefully you will appreciate my journey I have just begun. First let me start out by saying that I am a big supporter of art as a healing tool. Throughout my doll making career I have made a number of healing dolls for friends and family and that is what actually started me off in doll making. Many times I have used this art form to help me cope with a variety of issues that I have experienced over the course of my life. Even as a child I made rag dolls to play with and they became my personal family.
Where am I going with all this you may ask? Well, I have finally reached a stage in my life and as an artist where I can finally tackle a very deep personal issue through my art. I am not sure what doors this will open, but one thing is for sure. It will be a healing experience as it has already begun that process for me. I have started a new project. I borrowed the term from a dear friend and spiritual mentor, and am calling this my healing Novena It is a nine day ritual of using art to help me finally face and heal a very dark chapter in my early life the loss of my parents. It is funny how we tend to bury those things that bring us such pain and confusion. I marvel at how the Universe conspires to place at just the right place and just the right moment for such a truly beautiful moment of grace, forgiveness and love. My greatest hope in this process is to finally bring this part of me out into the light to be healed.
Above is the head of the new project. He is an older aged person at least that is how he appears to me. I started this journey yesterday. Significant numerically as ten is also a one in numerology terms which signifies a new beginning or new journey. This seems fitting to me. The nine days of my art Novena are symbolic too as nine is a powerful spiritual number.
Today is day two and I am planning to create the hands and feet for this inner me. Thank you all for your loving encouragement over the years I have shared my art with you. You all make this process an easier one. Until nest time. May peace and love be your constant companions.
This kind of thing taks courage and, as you say, has to be done when you feel ready. I will follow your journey with interest and hope.
Dollie Huggs and have a dollicious journey my friend