Mediums class at AFIC

This is part two of my AFIC posts.  The pictures here are from the two half day sessions of Mediums Make the Art Go Round class.  I gave a whirlwind tour of acrylic mediums for fiber and doll artists.  The students had fun learning how to create fake rust, stone and do crackle and sculpture work using acrylic mediums and paper.

Here are some finished samples.

Me demoing the process of spackling with molding paste.

More samples from the class.

Still more samples.

Another look at a students work.  If you or your art group wishes to learn about these fun mediums and how to use them in your art?  I am available to teach this class and many others.  Just drop me a line for more information.


Carla Trujillo said…
Hey Cody!
Your sample ATC's came out great!!
Cody Goodin said…
These are actually my students works. I will take that as a complement on my teaching ability.

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