October Open Studio Tour

I wanted to invite all you artsy people out there who may be in the Cincinnati Ohio area to come to the Essex Studios open house this coming weekend. My studio will be participating. I am in studio #251 and the building is located at 490 E. McMillan Ave. in Cincinnati Ohio 45206. It's in the Walnut Hills neighborhood. It is 6-11pm both Friday and Saturday. There's over 100 artists plus many outside artists or should I say non resident artists showing their work. We will also have music and other fun things. This is our anniversary show too, so it is the biggest of the year. Stop in and say hey if you make it.

This may be a slim week of posting as I am spending many hours getting the studio ready and also trying to finish up some things. Have a great week.


Susie McMahon said…
Oooh! Sure wish I could come and have a sticky-beak!
I'm there in spirit.
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Susie, in spirit is good too.
Lorell Lehman said…
Thinking of you and good luck with your open studio, Cody. Wish I could be there for a sticky-beak too!
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Lorell, I am hoping it goes well. It looks to be a beautiful fall evening. I am planning on sending you your Halloween goodie Friday.

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