The third fish goblin

Alrighty then, here is the third and final fish goblin that is made from the curly willow branches. In case you are wondering, I do have a few more pieces. I am saving them for some other special projects coming up. But, here is fish goblin number three. He is also made with a recycled goblin head bead. His tail is the curly willow and his body is a wire armature that is made over part of the willow branch. He is polymer clay, miracle bead eyes and many layers of acrylic paints and glazes. All of my new pieces will be on display at the Essex Studios open house here in Cincinnati. It is taking place on October 2 and 3 from 6-11pm, 490 E. McMillan Ave. in Cincinnati. My studio is on the second floor #251. If you are in the area please stop by and have a peek.

I am now moving on to some Halloween inspired stuff as well as my Secret Artworks projects. I hope to get pics of the Halloween magnets I am making so I can post them this week. This is hell week at my job as I work in an art supply store near the University. It is back to school this week as they are on the quarter system still. I have an eleven hour and ten hour day coming up this week. Yuk! See all my friends on the flip side. Have a great creative week.


Georgina said…
That is it!!
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Georgina.

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