New Thing

I am sure you will be shocked to know, that I am venturing into some wearable art pieces. Actually you may not be all that shocked as I did make a few personal goblins last year. In addition to those a few wearable sea goblins too. The story of this fellow came about by an inspired moment at the annual show and sale my club puts on. I had seen this piece made by a friend based on a lion head pendant designed by Christi Friesen. Her work is so inspiring to me and she is a master at polymer clay manipulation. So, without any idea of how I would go about it, I made this wild thing inspired goblin head pendent complete with mane. He has white marble eyes that were hand painted by me. This is the first a prototype of sorts. I wanted to see how hard they are to make first off. Then to see if they would look nice and finished enough to sell. Obviously I need to figure out a string to hang it with. Maybe a layered cord/fiber sort of thing. Let me know what you think? Don't be shy.

This weekend, I will be able to post my three pieces created for Artworks Cincinnati Secret Art Works charity auction. I have done this event every year and have a great time. The auction and reveal party is tomorrow evening. So, hopefully I can get them up here on Saturday morning. Stay tuned.


ok if you want honesty. I love the concept, but I think his face is little too scary to wear.
He's not silly scary enough like the diabolicals, or funny like the beach guys. I would definitely wear there faces, but he's just a little scary.
Now this is just my opinion, and you know I really love your work! ;-)
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Lorraine, I appreciate the feedback. This one was a prototype to see if I could make them. I see what you mean.

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