Another Blast from the Past

I thought I'd share a pic of one of the figures I made awhile back.  These guys are called personal Mojos.  They were the precursor to my current wall based stick sculpts.  This guy is the white flower cowboy.  He is supposed to bring a southern flair to your gardening experience.  He is sporting some stylish white go go boots.  I am proposing a class in making these mixed media figures for Artiscape 2011 in Columbus Ohio.  It is a fun mixed media workshop weekend.  Lisa Olmer who runs it does a fabulous job.  There must be something good in the water of Columbus Ohio.  Because two of the best conferences are held there and run by two amazing women.  Anyway, I will keep you all posted if I make it in.

Don't forget I am having a giveaway and you still have a few days to enter.  You can get to it here.

Today I am working in my studio again, trying like mad to get as much done before the middle of September.  Work will be hell then and I will not feel up to making much art for a couple of weeks.  Then it is the start of the fall show season for me.  So, stay tuned.  There will be a witch, pumpkin head and who knows what else will be coming here to make their debuts.  Have a great Saturday everyone.


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